luni, 21 martie 2011

Primavara in Japonia - 12 martie

Prima intalnire a lunii Martie a fost dedicata unui festival, popular in Japonia, numit Hinamatsuri, sau festivalul papusilor Hina, prezentat intr-un mod original de catre dra. Taeko Asai. Dat fiind dezastrul care a avut loc in data de 11 Martie, cu o zi inaintea intalnirii de cultura, intalnirea a inceput cu cuvintele d-lui Katsutaro Kawai despre cele intamplate si cu un moment de reculegere in memoria celor care au si-au piedut viata  in tragicul eveniment. Dupa momentul de reculegere, fiecare participant a putut sa isi impartaseasca gandurile despre cutremurul si valurile tsunami care au lovit Japonia.

Dupa acest moment de intristare, intalnirea a revenit la viata cand prezentarea d-rei Taeko a inceput.

La inceput a fost prezentat vechiul calendar chinezesc, cu cele patru anotimpuri impartite in 6 parti fiecare. Prezentarea s-a concentrat pe anotimpul primavara, in care are loc Hinamatsuri.

Dupa introducerea anotimpurilor si o scurta prezentare a ceea ce reprezinta festivalul, d-ra Taeko a prezentat 6 cantece specifice celor 6 perioade ale primaverii deja descriese.

Cantecele au fost unele foarte vesele, ca de exemplu cel numit Haru ga kita (A venit primavara) care a fost insotit de suport visual. Sakura, sakura  - arhicunoscutul cantec traditional de primavara a fost interpretat vocal de trei studente, participante la intalnirile Cercului “Prietenii Japoniei”, acompaniate la chitara de catre dl. Kawai.

Dupa momentul muzical, publicul a fost intrebat daca exista cantece romanesti similare cu cele care tocmai fusesera ascultate. Unele persoane din public si-au amintit si au cantat cateva cantece de primavara romanesti pentru a arata asemanarea cu cele japoneze. Dupa acest moment, d-ra Taeko si-a incheiat prezentarea oferind publicului bomboane de primavara cu motive florale.

In final, situatia din Japonia a fost adusa din nou in discutie, publicului fiindu-i de asemenea aratat un video in care s-a putut vedea prin ce au trecut oamenii din Japonia si care este amploarea dezastrului. Dl. Kawai si-a exprimat intentia de a incepe o campanie de adunare de fonduri si orice poate fi folositor pentru a ajuta oamenii din Japonia.
Dupa aceea, oamenii au putut sa petreaca putin timp la discutii si la o ceasca de ceai.


English version bellow:
The first meeting in March was dedicated to a festival popular in Japan in spring called Hinamatsuri or the festival of Hina dolls, presented in an original way by Ms. Taeko Asai. However, given the disaster that hit Japan on the 11th of March, just a day before the meeting, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai started  with a discourse on the matter and a moment of silence in memoriam of those who died in the tragic events. After the moment of silence, every participant could share his thoughts about the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan.

After the gloomy moment, the meeting got back to life when Ms. Taeko started her presentation. In the beginning, the old Chinese calendar has been presented, with the four seasons divided in other 6 periods each. The presentation focused on spring when Hinamatsuri takes place. After the introduction of the seasons and a short presentation of what the festival represents, Ms. Taeko’s presentation continued with 6 songs related to each of spring’s 6 periods previously described. The songs were very lively, one of them called Haru ga kita (The Spring has Come) also having visual support and another one, Sakura, sakura sang by 3 of the girls present at the meeting, accompanied with guitar by Mr. Kawai

After the musical moment, the public was asked if there are any Romanian songs similar to the ones that had been just listened to. Some of the people in the public remembered and sang a few Romanian spring songs to show how Romanian spring songs are similar to the Japanese ones. After this, Ms. Taeko ended her presentation by offering the public some Japanese flower-shaped spring candies.

In the end, the situation in Japan has been brought into discussion again, Mr. Kawai also showing a video showing what the people in Japan had gone through and what the amplitude of the disaster is. Mr. Kawai also expressed his intention to start a campaign to gather funds and whatever can be useful to help Japan. Afterwards, people could spend some time discussing while having a cup of tea.

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