Cea de-a doua intalnire a lunii februarie a fost dedicata arhitecturii japoneze. Prezentarea a fost realizata de catre d-ra. Kinga, inginer de profesie,si Alexandra si Garofita, studente la Facultatea de Arhitectura. Prezentarea lor a cuprins atat elemente de arhitectura traditionale, cat si moderne.
Totusi, inainte de prezentarea propriu-zisa, un invitat surpriza din indepartata Canada, dl. Lionel Batke a impartasit publicului cateva din experientele sale de viata si din numeroasele sale calatorii in Japonia, pe care le-a descris ca foarte interesante si unice.
Dupa vorbirea d-lui. Batke, dl. Katsutaro Kawai a transmis un mesaj publicului in care descria ce a facut posibil miracolul japonez si cum Romania ar putea urma exemplul Japoniei pentru a avea si ea parte de un asemenea miracol.
Dupa acest mesaj a urmat prezentarea despre arhitectura japoneza in sine. Mai intai au fost prezentate elemente arhitecturale japoneze traditionale, cum ar fi casa traditionala japoneza si bine cunoscutul castel Himeji. Un scurt filmulet despre castelul Himeji a ajutat publicul sa inteleaga mai bine de ce castelul, care a supravietuit bombardamentelor din timpul celui de-al doila Razboi Mondial, este deosebit.
A urmat o descriere a elementelor arhitecturale moderne, amintindu-se cativa dintre cei mai cunoscuti arhitecti japonezi. Dintre cei mentionati fac parte Kisho Kurokawa, care a proiectat primul hotel-capsula prin care a introdus acest concept, Kenzo Tange, care a propus un plan de extindere a orasului Tokyo, intr-o vreme cand acest lucru era considerat imposibil, Toyo Ito, Tadao Ando, care este foarte popular printre studentii la arhitectura japonezi, si alti arhitecti.
Arhitectura moderna japoneza s-a dovedit a fi unica, de multe ori combinand elemente moderne cu elemente traditionale japoneze, folosind anumite linii in arhitectura sau materiale neobisnuite precum hartia si chiar perdelele.
In final a urmat obisnuitul timp de discutii la o ceasca de ceai cald si un snack.
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The second meeting in February was dedicated to Japanese architecture. The presentation was made by Ms. Kinga, ingineer, Ms. Alexandra and Ms. Garofita, students of architecture, and they comprised both traditional and modern Japanese architectural elements.
However, before their presentation, a surprise guest from Canada , Mr. Lionel Batke shared with the public some interesting experiences from his long and marvelous life and from his numerous travels to Japan, which he described as very interesting and unique. After Mr. Batke’s speech, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai made a comment on how the Japanese technological miracle was possible and how Romania could follow Japan ’s example and be part of a miracle itself.
Afterwards, the actual presentation on Japanese architecture followed. First, traditional Japanese elements were presented, like the Japanese traditional house and the world renowned Himeji castle. A short movie about the Himeji castle helped the public get a better idea about the greatness of the castle, which survived heavy bombings during the Second World War.
Modern architectural elements came into discussion afterwards, with a look at some of the most prestigious architects Japan has. Some of the names include Kisho Kurokawa, who designed the first capsule hotel, Kenzo Tange who came up with a plan for the extension of Tokyo in a time when the idea was considered impossible, Toyo Ito, Tadao Ando who is very popular among Japanese students of architecture, and others. Japanese modern architecture turned out to be very unique, in many cases by combining western elements with Japanese traditional influences, by using certain lines or uncommon materials like paper, and curtains.
In the end the usual discussion time followed at a cup of warm tea and a snack.
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