marți, 25 octombrie 2011

18 octombrie - Ziua Culturii Nippone

Ziua de 18 octombrie a fost ultima zi in care grupul de japonezi veniti din Kyoto a ramas la noi pentru activitati in ceainaria cu specific japonez „Sakura”. Astfel, asa cum ei si-au exprimat dorinta ca intalnirea de sambata despre Ceremonia Ceaiului, am avut parte din nou de o demonstratie de Ceremonia Ceaiului, dar si de alte activitati, cum ar fi cantece traditionale japoneze si origami. Publicul a fost din nou satisfacut, multumit si entuziasmat, ca si la demonstratia de vineri.
Inainte de inceperea ceremoniei, dna Chieko Hino a incalzit atmosfera cu cateva cantece japoneze care au fost apreciate de public. Atmosfera creata mai apoi in cadrul Ceremoniei Ceaiului de grupul de japonezi a fost deosebita. Linistea pe care o cerea demontratia inducea relaxare, amplificata de simplitatea decorului de pe platforma de ceai. Am beneficiat din nou de explicatiile doamnei maestru de ceai, Setsuko Onizuka, atfel ca am reusit sa intelegem mai bine ce se intampla pe scena.
La finalul ceremoiei dl Katsutaro Kawai a adus cateva completari si explicatii legate de caligrafia ce se afla in tokonoma, care era un citat din biblie a carui cuvinte cheie erau Kami no toki care inseamna Timpul lui Dumnezeu, adica un timp divin de care participantii au avut parte in ceainarie.

Publicul a primit apoi pentru degustare prajitura traditionala pentru ceremonie din zahar si din fasole, ceai matcha si jucarii din origami, pregatite de catre doamna Hino.
In continuare publicul a putut face poze impreuna cu japonezii, dupa care au inceput alte doua evenimente, cenaclul de poezie japoneza, haiku si atelierul de origami. 
In cadrul cenaclului s-a discutat si s-a compus poezie in stil japonez cu tema de toamna, avand ca si kigo, cuvant tematic, cuvantul corb.
 In cadrul atelierului, participantii au confectionat cocori zburatori, broscute saltarete, cutii si coifuri, impreuna cu cativa japonezi din grup.
In final a fost o zi deosebita, cu multe evenimente, iar atat grupul de japonezi cat si participantii au fost bucurosi si multumiti de ziua care a trecut. Va multumim pentru participare si speram ca vom avea parte de cat mai multe astfel de momente impreuna.

******* English version bellow:*******

18th October was the last day when the group of Japanese who came from Kyoto stayed with us for a few more activities in the Japanese teahouse “Sakura”. Thus, as they announced in the previous Saturday at the meeting about Tea Ceremony, we were honoured with another Tea Ceremony demonstration, and also with other activities, like traditional Japanese songs and origami. The public was again satisfied, thankful and enthusiastic, as with the demonstration that took place in the previous Friday.
Before starting the ceremony, Ms Chieko Hino warmed up the atmosphere with a few Japanese songs that were appreciated by the public. The atmosphere created afterwards around the Tea Ceremony demonstration by the group of Japanese was truly special. The silence that the demonstration requested induced relaxation, amplified by the simplicity of the decoration on the tea platform. We benefited again of explanations from the Tea Ceremony master, Ms. Setsuko Onizuka, so that we were able to understand better what happened on stage.
At the end of the ceremony, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai added a few comments and explanations with regard to the calligraphy that was located in the tokonoma, which was a quote from the Bible, the keywords of which were Kami no toki, meaning The time of God, with the significance that it was a divine time which the guests spent in the teahouse.
Afterwards, the public received some Japanese traditional cookies made of sugar and bean paste, traditional green tea made of powder green tea and some origami toys prepared by Ms. Hino.
Following, the public took pictures with our Japanese guests and two other events started namely the Japanese poetry club and the origami workshop. The haijin, Japanese haiku poetry lovers, talked about autumn related topics and composed poetry in the spirit of autumn, having as kigo, the theme word raven. At the workshop, the participants manufactured flying cranes, jumping frogs, boxes and helmets, together with a few of the Japanese from the group.
In the end it was a very special day, with many events and the group of Japanese, as well as the participants were very happy and thankful of the day. We thank you for your participation and we hope that we will have more such events together.

Despre Ceremonia Ceaiului, Sado - 15 octombrie

In data de 15 octombrie am continuat intalnirea de deunazi cu o explicatie mai amanuntita despre Ceremonia Ceaiului si ceea ce inseamna aceasta pentru japonezi si pentru toti cei care o practica. La inceputul intalnirii fiecare participant s-a prezentat in limba romana, iar cei care au stiut, in limba japoneza, pentru a fi intelesi de catre cei 6 oaspeti veniti din Kyoto care se aflau cu noi in acea seara. 
Dupa prezentari, dl Radu Nedisan a inceput o prezentare mai pe larg a Ceremoniei Ceaiului si ceea ce inseamna aceasta, precum si cateva din elementele direct legate de aceasta, cum ar fi casa de ceai, gradina casei de ceai si ustensilele folosite.

Ceremonia ceaiului este o arta profunda pe care nu o putem intelege foarte bine doar privind din afara. Ceea ce noi vedem, mai multi oameni care servesc ceai, poate parea ceva banal. Totusi, Ceremonia Ceaiului ascunde sub aparenta simplitate un set complex de reguli de la care abaterea este interzisa. O greseala din partea celui care efectueaza ceremonia ceaiului poate fi o ofensa grava pentru persoana servita. Oaspetii prezenti la ceremonia ceaiului sunt persoanele privilegiate iar persoana care serveste ceaiul isi ofera serviciile celor serviti, incercand a faca acest lucru cat mai bine, cat mai aproape de perfectiune, respectand regulile stabilite de scoala din care face parte maestrul de ceai. La randul lor, oaspetii trebuie sa aiba un comportament potrivit in casa de ceai si sa se arate demni de a fi serviti.
În Japonia aceasta arta se practica traditional in cercurile inalte ale societatii, pentru a arata gratitudinea si respectul fata de o persoana sau fata de un grup de persoane care au fost invitate la ceremonie. Desi Japonia este tara samurailor, samuraii fiind participanti obisnuiti la astfel de ceremonii, in casa de ceai nu erau permise niciodata arme, acestea fiind lasate obligatoriu la intrare, iar intrarea in casa de ceai se facea printr-o usa foarte mica ce obliga pe fiecare sa se incline, astfel incat toti cei care intrau in casa de ceai erau adusi la acelasi rang pe durata ceremoniei. Important, in casa de ceai nu se purtau niciodata conversatii ce puteau denota rangul in societate al persoanelor, nu se vorbea despre bani, despre politica, razboi, ci doar despre lucruri frumoase, pasnice, care puteau sa ii relaxeze pe participanti.
In ziua de azi, participarea la Ceremonia Ceaiului este mai la indemana deoarece exista case de ceai care fac acest lucru contra cost. Pe de alta parte se intampla foarte rar sa fii invitat la o Ceremonie a ceaiului de catre un maestru, iar daca acest lucru se intampla este o onoare foarte mare si un lucru de invidiat.
Dupa prezentarea facuta de Radu, a urmat o discutie cu publicul despre lucrurile prezentate, in care publicului i s-a raspuns la intrebari de catre maestrul de ceai, dna Setsuko Onizuka si s-au adus explicatii suplimentare.
In continuare trecand de la lucruri serioase la lucruri mai amuzante, dl Kaoru Onizuka, nepotul dnei Setsuko Onizuka, a prezentat cateva lucruri despre tineretul din Japonia la ora actuala, modalitatile de petrecere a timpului, cum ar fi jocurile video, karaoke sau diferitele tipuri de cafe-uri, cum ar fi Maid Cafe, Tsundere Cafe, Imouto Cafe si altele. 
Am auzit lucruri amuzante, dar si lucruri interesante, si altele care ne-au pus pe ganduri.
Dupa prezentarea facuta de catre Kaoru, a urmat un moment origami, impreuna cu dna Chieko Hino, care ne-a aratat cateva modele de origami si ne-a invatat sa confectionam un coif japonez numit kabuto care se poate transforma in pestisor auriu numit kingyo. 

Dupa momentul de origami, dna Hino ne-a invatat un cantec japonez traditional care vorbeste despre povestea iepurelui si a broastei testoase, numit Moshi Moshi Kame Yo. Publicul a fost invatat apoi si miscarile de dans cu mainile, pe care a trebuit sa le facem tot mai repede. A fost un moment frumos si distractiv.
Dupa acest moment de revigorare, dna Onizuka, maestru de Ceremonia Ceaiului, a tinut un scurt discurs despre Ceremonia Ceaiului, in completarea celor mentionate mai devreme in acea seara. 
Dupa discursul dansei aceasta a fost rugata sa ramana pe loc si a fost invitata pe scena si dna Miai pentru a le putea canta La multi ani! cu ocazia zilei de nastere a celor doua doamne.

In final, dupa ce au taiat prajitura pregatita pentru dansele, au fost prezentate de catre dl Katsutaro Kawai cateva jucarii aduse de catre grupul din Kyoto din Japonia, intre care kendama, wanage, daruma otoshi si fuusen, 
dupa care publicul a fost liber sa ii cunoasca pe japonezi, sa discute, sa se joace cu jucariile, sa faca poze cu oaspetii japonezi si sa se bucure impreuna.

******** English version bellow:*********

On 15th October we continued the meeting that we started the day before with a more detailed explanation about the Tea Ceremony and what it means for the Japanese and for other people who practice it. At the beginning of the meeting every participant had the chance to introduce themselves in Romanian language, and the people who spoke Japanese, could do it in Japanese for the 6 guests from Kyoto to be able to understand. After the presentations, Mr. Radu Nedisan started an elaborated presentation of the Tea Ceremony and about its meaning, as well as some elements directly linked to it, like the teahouse, the garden of the teahouse and the implements used in the ceremony.
Tea Ceremony is a profound form of art which we can hardly understand only by watching from outside. What we see, a group of people who drink tea might appear trivial. However, the Tea Ceremony hides under its apparent simplicity a complex set of rules the breaching of which is forbidden. A mistake on the part of the ceremony master can be an offense for the person who is being served tea. The guests present at the ceremony are privileged and the person who is serving tea is offering their services to the guests, trying to do this as good as they can, as close to perfection as possible, respecting the rules of the school they are part of. In turn, the guests need to have an appropriate behaviour in the teahouse to be worthy of being served.
Traditionally, this art was practiced only in the aristocratic society to show gratitude for a person or a group of people who were invited to the ceremony. Even though Japan is the country of the samurai, the samurai class of people being the main participants to this kind of ceremony, in the teahouse were never permitted weapons, swords and the like being always left at the entrance of the teahouse. The entrance itself was special, the people who entered the teahouse being forced to enter through a very small entrance which made bowing compulsory, so as all the people who entered the teahouse were brought to the same rank during the ceremony. It is important to mention that in the teahouse discussions that could betray the participant’s rank in the society and discussions about money, war and politics were never permitted, and only discussions about beautiful things were permitted so as to create a relaxed atmosphere.
Today, the participation to a Tea Ceremony is more facile since there are events where people can see or participate in a tea ceremony for money. On the other hand it is highly unlikely to be invited to a Tea Ceremony by a master, and if it were to happen it is a great honour and something to envy.
After Radu’s presentation, a discussion with the public about the things that were presented followed, where the public was answered questions by the tea master Ms. Setsuko Onizuka.
Afterwards, going from serious things to more entertaining matters, Mr. Kaoru Onizuka, Ms. Onizuka’s nephew presented a few things about the Japanese younger generation nowadays, their ways of spending time, like video games, karaoke and different kinds of cafe bars, like Maid Cafe, Tsundere Cafe, Imouto Cafe and so on. We heard things that made us laugh, smile, interesting things and also things that made us meditate.
After Kaoru’s presentation, an origami moment followed, led by Ms. Chieko Hino, who presented a few origami models and taught us how to make a Japanese helmet called kabuto, which could be turned into a golden fish called kingyo. After the origami moment, Ms. Hino taught the public the song of the rabit and the turtle, called Moshi Moshi Kame Yo. The public was then taught the dance moves for the song, which we had to perform faster and faster. It was nice and funny moment.
After this refreshing moment, Tea Ceremony master Ms. Onizuka held a short discourse about Tea Ceremony, adding a few expert opinions to the ones that had already been told that evening. After her discourse, she was asked to remain on the stage and Ms. Miai had also been invited on the stage in order to sing Happy Birthday! with the occasion of their birthdays.
In the end, after they cut the cake, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai showed to the public a few toys brought by the group from Japan. Among the toys there were keridamas, a wanage, a daruma otoshi and a fuusen. Afterwards, the public were free to go and make friends with the Japanese, talk, play with the toys, take pictures with our guests and have fun together.

luni, 17 octombrie 2011

Ceremonia Ceaiului - Maestru de ceai din Kyoto - 14 oct. 2011

  Vineri, 14 octombrie a fost o zi deosebita pentru noi si pentru pentru multi altii care au reusit sa isi faca timp pentru un eveniment deosebit, cu care putini au sansa sa se intalneasca in intreaga viata. Am avut onoarea sa avem alaturi de noi un grup de japonezi din orasul Kyoto, fosta capitala a Japoniei timp de 1075 de ani si actuala capitala culturala a Japoniei, oameni de cultura, ucenici ai maetrului de Ceremonia Ceaiului, doamna Setsuko Onizuka, insotiti in Romania chiar de catre dansa.

Acesti oameni de cultura s-au deplasat in Romania pentru a oferi iubitorilor de cultura japoneza sansa sa ia parte la un eveniment cultural japonez autentic. Vineri, 14 octombrie am luat parte la Ceremonia Ceaiului, demonstratie facuta de ucenicii doamnei Setsuko Onizuka, ce a oferit explicatii publicului pe masura ce Ceremonia se desfasura, astfel incat publicul participant sa poata intelege ceea ce se intampla in fata propriilor ochi.

Ceremonia in sine a fost una extraordinara, adusa aproape de perfectiune, cum era de asteptat de la niste maestri ai culturii si ai Ceremoniei Ceaiului.

 Mai mult, imaginea vizuala a fost adusa la superlativ, prin imbracamintea traditionala autentica si deosebit de frumoasa purtata de catre grupul de japonezi, dar si de catre domnisoara Minodora Buta, care a avut rolul de moderator si traducator in cadrul evenimentului. 

A fost un bonus bine-venit, o adevarata parada de culoare si de perfectiune care a incantat multe priviri.
La finalul ceremoniei, doamna Onizuka a stat la dispozitia publicului pentru a raspunde la intrebari. Am aflat cu totii astfel lucruri noi, despre frumusetea simplitatii, despre casa de ceai, despre caligrafia si florile aflate in tokonoma, timp in care publicul a fost servit cu ceai verde pentru ceremonie, matcha, si cu prajitura din fasole si castane. 

De asemenea, fiecare participant a primit cadou cate un origami, o camasa si un cocor zburator de hartie, ca amintire a acestui eveniment.
In final publicul s-a aratat extrem de multumit, incantat si entuziasmat, fapt care i-a facut si pe oaspetii nostri din Tara Soarelui-Rasare multumiti ca au reusit sa transmita publicului ceea ce si-au dorit. Le vom ramane adanc recunoscatori pentru sansa pe care ne-au oferit-o.

       ******** English version bellow:*******    

Friday, 14 October was a very special day for us and for many others who managed to make time for a unique, once in a lifetime event. We had the honour to have some special guests, a group of Japanese who came from Kyoto, the ex capital of Japan for 1075 years and the actual cultural capital of Japan. The group have as their main interests and activities Japanese traditional culture and they are the pupils of Tea Ceremony master, Ms. Setsuko Onizuka, who also followed them to Romania.
The purpose of the group’s visit to Romania was to offer to the people who share an interest in Japanese culture the chance to take part to an authentic Japanese cultural event. Thus, Friday, 14 October, we were witnesses to a Tea Ceremony demonstration, perfected by Onizuka-sensei’s pupils, while their master was giving indications to the public so as to be able to understand exactly what was going on in front of their eyes.
The Ceremony in itself was extraordinary, brought close to perfection, as expected from masters of culture and Japanese Tea Ceremony. Moreover, the visual image of the event was enhanced by the Japanese traditional apparel worn by the Japanese and also by Ms. Minodora, who had the role of moderator and translator for the event. The kimonos and obis were extremely beautiful, literally giving the event a shade of parade of colour and perfection, which was a blessing for many watchers.
At the end of the ceremony, Ms. Onizuka answered any questions that the public might have had. Therefore we found out new things, about the beauty of simple things, about the traditional teahouse, about the calligraphy and flowers that can be found in the tokonoma, while the public was offered traditional ceremonial green tea called matcha, and traditional bean and chestnut cake. Furthermore, each participant got two origami figures as a present and memento for the event.
In the end, the public was extremely happy, thankful and enthusiastic, making our guests from Japan satisfied for they managed to transmit to the public what they wanted to transmit. We remain thankful for the chance that they offered to us.

              Va multumim pentru participarea in numar mare la evenimentele noastre si speram ca ati reusit sa adaugati inca o piesa puzzle-ului culturii japoneze. Vrem sa va informam ca la cererea voastra, grupul din Kyoto a acceptat sa faca pentru noi inca o demonstratie de Ceremonia Ceaiului, asa cum am anuntat si la evenimentul de sambata. De asemenea, avem onoarea sa fim incantati si cu alte elemente culturale japoneze de catre invitatii nostri japonezi.
              Cu aceasta ocazie va anuntam ca saptamana aceasta in ceainaria cu specific japonez “Sakura” vor avea loc urmatoarele eveimente:
              Marti18 octombrie, incepand cu orele 16:00Ziua Culturii Nipone care va cuprinde urmatoarele:
                            Ceremonia Ceaiului, avand alaturi de noi pe maestrul de ceai, dna Onizuka Setsuko;

- Origami si cantece traditional japoneze sustinute de dna Chieko Hino

- Cenaclu de haiku cu tema de toamna , Orele 18:00 ~

- Joi, 20 octombrie, orele 16:00 - 19:00, Club de sah japonez, Shogi

1 Octombrie - Intalnire de Bun-venit

Odata cu inceputul toamnei s-a terminat si vacanta noatra, asa ca in data de 1 octombrie am reluat activitatile Cercului „Prietenii Japoniei”, facand acest lucru printr-o petrecere de bun venit pentru studenti. Am dorit sa salutam si sa ne reintalnim cu vechii participanti la intalnirile noastre, dar si sa facem cunostinta cu persoane noi, in special studenti nou-veniti la Cluj.

In prima parte a programului am depanat amintiri si am povestit cum ne-am petrecut timpul in vara care tocmai a trecut. Am aflat vesti bune si vesti mai putin bune, iar unii dintre noi pareau chiar obositi de atat de mult timp liber – un inceput de an promitator!

Dupa ce am aflat cum a trecut vara pentru fiecare, am avut parte de o surpriza din partea oaspetilor, familia Hamamoto, care s-a aflat intre noi, pentru prima data in Romania si in Europa. 

Familia Hamamoto a pregatit pentru noi o demonstratie de dans, dansand mai multe dansuri traditionale Japoneze. Unul din ele descria munca muncitorilor din minele japoneze. 

Un alt dans, numit dansul nebunilor, a fost pricina multor zambete si rasete din sala. Aceste rasete au devenit si mai energice atunci cand 2 voluntari au fost invatati sa danseze in acest fel amuzant. 

Al treilea dans a fost de fapt o adaptare a jocului de baseball, foarte popular in Japonia, pentru a putea fi jucat in casa. Din nou, doi voluntari au facut obiectul multor zambete si rasete, avand chiar si un castigator la jocul de baseball numit yakyuu, care a primit premiu un pachet de dulciuri Japoneze numite Toppo.

In final, fiind ziua de nastere a dlui. Radu Nedisan, acestuia i s-a pregatit o surpriza, un tort si un cadou adus din Japonia. Am cantat „La multi ani” si ne-am bucurat impreuna in momentele care au urmat, in timpul obisnuit de discutii. 

Am primit, cu ocazia intoarcerii din Japonia a gazdelor, dulciuri si snacks-uri japoneze, o mica parte din Japonia ce a putut fi adusa la noi. Ne-am bucurat mult sa ne revedem, am facut poze si am petrecut un timp deosebit impreuna.

 ******* Englih Version bellow: **********

              Once with the beginning of autumn our holiday also ended, therefore on 1st October we restarted the normal activity of Japan Friends Club. We did this organizing a welcome party for the students. We wanted to greet and meet again with the old participants at our meetings, and also to meet new people, especially newly come students.

              In the first part of the program we recalled memories and shared the experiences that we had this summer. We found out good news and bad news, and some of us even looked tired of so much free time – a promising new start of a year.

              After finding out what summer brought for everyone, we had a surprise from our guests, the Hamamoto family, who were for the first time in Romania and Europe. The Hamamoto family prepared a dancing demonstration, performing a few Japanese traditional dances. One of them was depicting the work of japanese workers in japanese coal mines. Another dance, called the dance of the insane people, provoked loud laughter in the meeting room. The laughter became even louder when two volunteers joined in the crazy dance. The third dance was actually an adaptation of baseball for indoors performance. Again, two volunteers generated laughter in the room, even having a winner of the game called yakyuu, who received a pack of sweets from Japan called Poky.

In the end, because it was the birthday of Mr. Radu Nedisan, the staff prepared a surprise, a cake and a present brought from Japan. We sang „Happy Birthday” and we enjoyed our time together in the usual moment dedicated to conversation. We received, once with the hosts’ return from Japan some sweets and snacks from Japan, a little bit of Japan that could be brought to us. We were very happy to see each others, we took pictures and we had a great time together.

miercuri, 5 octombrie 2011

Calendarul activitatilor - Octombrie 2011

Bine ati venit sau revenit la Cluj, in aerul placut de toamna al orasului nostru cultural. Va dorim zile cat mai frumoase in perioada urmatoare si mult succes in noul an universitar.
De asemenea, celor care v-ati intors din concedii la munca, va dorim cat mai multe reusite si satisfactii.
Mai jos gasiti calendarul activitatilor lunii in curs, luna Octombrie.  Speram sa gasiti timp pentru popasul sufletesc de care avem nevoie fiecare, participand la evenimentele organizate de noi. Evenimentele sunt gazduite, asa cum stiti deja, de Ceainaria cu specific japonez, Sakura, de pe str. Motilor, nr. 48.

Va reamintim ca saptamana aceasta, perioada 3- 7 octombrie, Ceainaria cu specific japonez, Sakura, de pe strada Motilor, nr. 48, va gazdui urmatoarele evenimente:

1.        Marti, 4 octombrie, orele 17:00~19:00 – Atelier Origami impreuna cu fam. Hamomoto din Japonia
2.        Joi, 6 octombrie, orele 16:00 ~19:00 – Club de sah japonez, shogi
3.        Vineri, 7 octombrie, orele 15:00~17:00 – J-Rock Meeting

1 Septembrie festiv - Ceainaria cu specific japonez Sakura a implinit 1 an!

Data de 1 septembrie a fost o zi deosebita pentru noi si pentru ceainaria cu specific japonez Sakura. In 1 septembrie s-a implinit exact un an de cand ceainaria a intrat in functiune in mod oficial, ceea ce este un lucru minunat pentru noi, o adevarata minune, sa vedem ca ceainaria creste si tot mai multi oameni descopera acest loc pe care noi l-am pregatit pentru linistea lor.
              Fiind o zi speciala, aceasta nu a fost caracterizata de linistea cu care fiecare era obisnuit si totul a devenit foarte viu. Am avut placerea sa avem cu noi pe multi dintre participantii loiali ai intalnirilor noastre si ai evenimentelor din ceainarie. Am jucat sah japonez impreuna, ne-am bucurat de oferta casei de genmaicha proaspat adus din Japonia si am facut poze pentru a ne aminti de aceasta zi frumoasa.
              Speram ca anul urmator sa ne intalnim tot atat de sanatosi si de bucurosi in ceainarie, si dorim ca in anul care vine sa va incantam cu si mai multe oferte speciale, evenimente deosebite si cu aceeasi atmosfera placuta a ceainariei cu specific japonez Sakura.

Va multumim pentru participare si va asteptam in continuare!
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!

****** English version bellow:*******

The 1st of september was a special day for us and for the Japanese teahouse, Sakura. On the 1st of September it turned exactly one year from the official opening of the teahouse, which is a wonderful thing for us, a real miracle, to see that the teahouse is growing day by day and more and more people discover this place which we prepared for their hearts.
Since it was a special day, the usual calmness ruling the teahouse was missing that day and everything turned really lively. We had the pleasure to have with us many of the usual participants to our cultural meetings and events in the teahouse. We played Japanese chess together and we enjoyed that day’s offer of genmaicha freshly brought from Japan, and we took photographs to remember that beautiful day.
We hope that at next year’s anniversary we will meet again and that we will enjoy ourselves at least as good as this year, and we wish that in the following year we will give you more special offers, more special events and that we will be able to provide the same pleasant atmosphere in the Japanese teahouse Sakura.

 Thank you and we are awaiting you in the teahouse from now on!
                         Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!