Ultima intalnire de cultura a Cercului “Prietenii Japoniei” din
toamna anului 2012 a avut loc in data de 24 noiembrie, cand am avut alaturi de
noi invitati deosebiti. In prima parte am dat loc familiei Nastase sa ne impartaseasca
impresii de calatorie din Japonia, pe care au vizitat-o impreuna cu dl
Katsutaro Kawai, presedintele Asociatiei Cercul Prietenii Japoniei. Cea de a
doua parte a intalnirii a fost acordata drei Kyoko Murakami, catareata
profesionista de muzica japoneza Gospel Enka.
Intalnirea a inceput prin a
ne cunoaste mai bine, fiecare participant fiind invitat sa se prezinte si sa
spuna cateva lucruri interesante despre el. Dupa prezentarea tuturor, d-l Nastase
a inceput sa ne relateze experienta in Japonia, amintirile nemaipomenite facute
acolo iesind la iveala, prin expresivitatea pe care acestea o produceau pe
fetele celor doi invitati, mai mult decat prin cuvintele rostite sau prin
imaginile proiectate.
Am vizionat numeroase imagini
din diferite locuri celebre din Japonia, incepand din giganta metropola Tokyo,
strabatand Japonia prin Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka si ajungand pe taramurile
copilariei dlui Katsutaro Kawai, in insula Shikoku.
Asa cum reiesea din
relatarile invitatilor nostri, pe parcursul calatoriei au avut parte de multe
experiente noi si lucruri interesante, cum ar fi pestele crud, folosirea betisoarelor,
calatoria cu trenul de mare viteza, Shinkansen; calatoria cu trenul fara
conductor, din Tokyo, modul in care toate mijloacele de transport ajungeau la
peron la secunda, si opreau la milimetru, in locurile specificate, politetea agentilor
publici, corectitudinea pasagerilor de autobuz, care puneau pur si simplu banii
de bilet intr-o cutie, la urcarea in autobuz, unde scria pretul biletului, fara
ca cineva sa verifice suma depusa, curatenia, lipsa betivilor si a vagabonzilor
si alte lucruri deosebite.
Cei doi calatori au vizitat si numeroase locuri turistice, cum ar fi
Kinkaku-ji si Ginkaku-ji (Templul cu pavilionul de aur si Templul cu pavilionul
de argint din Kyoto ), Daibutsu (statuia gigantica a lui Buddha, din Kamakura),
renumitul templu si torii de pe insula Miyajima, gradina palatului imperial din
Tokyo, Kaminari-mon din Asakusa, si alte obiective interesante.
Un fapt interesant care a
avut loc in timpul calatoriei dansilor in Japonia este ca cei doi au devenit
bunici, chiar in orasul in care dl Katsutaro Kawai a copilarit. Intr-o seara,
acestia au primit un mesaj pe telefon, care ii informa despre acest lucru, si
au dat fuga la dl Kawai pentru a ii da vestea cea buna. Cu siguranta trebuie sa
fi fost un moment deosebit pentru cei doi.
Ne-am bucurat sa auzim
povestea calatoriei familiei Nastase prin aceasta tara, pana atunci necunoscuta
lor, insa care i-a impresionat, asa cum ar impresiona pe oricine care ar merge
acolo pentru prima data.
In partea a doua a
intalnirii, dra Kyoko Murakami, care avusese un concert minunat in seara de 22
noiembrie, cu doua zile inainte, a avut bunavointa sa ne mai incante inca o
data cu cantecele ei, pline de invataturi crestine. Chiar daca publicul s-a
aratat mai rusinos poate, dra Murakami a cantat trei cantece, insotite de
miscari de dans simbolizand temele abordate in cantece, miscari pe care ne-a
invitat cu caldura sa le invatam impreuna cu dansa. Cantecele alese pentru
aceasta seara au fost “Teki o aise yo”, “Mainichi ga enkai da” si “Saiwai
kouta” (in traducere: “Iubeste-ti vrajmasii”, “Fiecare zi e un ospat”,
respectiv “Cantecul fericirilor”), fiecare cantec fiind precedat de un scurt
discurs, astfel incat mesajele sa poata fi intelese mai bine. Dra. Murakami
ne-a uimit cu capabilitatea sa de a invata limba romana intr-un timp foarte
scurt, de o saptamana, memorand cateva versete biblice si cateva expresii
Ne-am bucurat sa mai putem
auzi inca o data vocea nemaipomenita si sa invatam mesajele biblice transmise
cu atat de mult entuziasm si vitalitate. Suntem recunoscatori pentru vizita
drei aici in Romania, si speram ca intr-o zi sa putem sa ne reintalnim.
In final, participantii au
fost liberi sa serveasca din bunatatile puse la dispozitie de catre Cercul
“Prietenii Japoniei”, timp in care fiecare a putut sa impartaseasca pareri
despre aceasta seara, sau sa povesteasca si sa isi faca poze cu dra Murakami,
in memoria acestei frumoase seri.
Multumim tuturor invitatilor,
care ne-au onorat cu prezenta lor, dar si participantilor pentru interesul si
bunavointa de care dau dovada de fiecare data.
The last cultural meeting of Japan’s Friends Club in the autumn of
2012 took place on 24th of November, and it had two main topics. The
first topic was about a trip the Nastase family took in the summer before, to
Japan, together with Mr. Katsutaro Kawai, the head of our organization. The
second part of the meeting was dedicated to Ms. Kyoko Murakami, a professional
Gospel Enka music singer, who performed and explained the messages of her songs.
The meeting started by getting to know each other, so every
participant was invited to introduce themselves. After we got to know everyone,
the Nastase family started to tell the story of their experience in Japan. The
expression of their faces while telling the story revealed more of how pleasant
their experience in Japan was than they could express in words or in the images
they showed to the public.
We watched numerous images from various famous places in Japan,
starting from the gigantic metropolis of Tokyo, traveling throughout Japan,
visitin cities like Yokohama, Kobe, Kyoto, Osaka and reaching the place where
Mr. Kawai spent his childhood, in the Shikoku island.
As our guests’ stories were
suggesting, they had many interesting experiences and discovered many amazing
things about Japan during their trip, like raw food, eating with chopsticks,
the trip with the high speed train, called Shinkansen, the trip with the
driverless train, in Tokyo, the way in which public transportation respected
the schedule by second, the politeness of public agents, the trustworthiness of
the people in buses, who placed the money for the ticked in a box, at the
entrance of the bus, where the price of a ticket was written, without the need
for someone to check if everyone put the right sum, cleanness, the inexistence
of drunk or homeless people and other interesting things, unheard of before.
The two travelers also
visited a lot of tourist attractions, like Kinkaku-ji and Ginkaku-ji (the gold
and silver pavilions in Kyoto), Daibutsu (the gigantic statue of Buddha in
Kamakura), the famous temple and torii on the sacred island of Itsukushima, the
garden of the imperial palace in Kyoto, Kaminari-mon, and other interesting
An interesting event that took place during
their trip in Japan was that the two became grandparents, exactly in the city
where Mr. Katsutaro Kawai had spent his childhood. One evening, the Nastase
family got a message on the phone, informing them of the fact that they became
grandparents, and ran to Mr. Katsutaro Kawai to give him the good news. It must
have been a wonderful moment for the two.
We were happy to hear the
story of Tanase family’s trip through this country, unknown to them before, but
which really impressed them, as it would impress anyone who would go there for
the first time.
In the second part of the
meeting, Ms. Kyoko Murakami, who had held a wonderful concert in the evening of
22 november, two days before, wished to sing once more for the people at Japan’s
Friends Club, her songs full of Christian teachings. Even though the public
appeared to be shy, Ms. Murakami sang three songs, with their respective dance
movements, symbolizing different themes approached in the songs, which she
warmly invited us to learn how to perform. The songs she had chosen for
performance were “Teki o aise yo”, “Mainichi ga enkai” and “Saiwai kouta”
(translated as: “Love your enemies”, “Everyday is a feast”, respectively “The
song of the blessings”), every song being preceded by a short discourse, so as
the message of each song could be understood correctly. Ms. Murakami amazed us
with her capapibility to learn the Romanian language in such a short time, of
about a week, memorizing a few verses from the Bible and a few usual expressions.
We were glad to have the
chance to listen to Ms. Murakami’s wonderful voice again, and to learn the
biblical teachings, delivered with so much enthusiasm and vitality. We are glad
that we had the chance to have her here in Romania, and we hope to meet her
In the end, the participants
were free to enjoy the snacks and sweets provided by Japan’s Friends Club,
while they could share thoughts about that evening’s meeting, or talk with Ms.
Murakami and take pictures, in the memory of this wonderful evening.
We are thankful to our
guests, who honored us with their presence, and to the rest of the
participants, for the interest and understanding they show every time they
participate to our meetings.
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