marți, 6 noiembrie 2012

Atelier Kanzashi - Sambata, 10 noiembrie

       In data de 10 noiembrie, Cercul “Prietenii Japoniei” a organizat un atelier kanzashi, unde am confectionat agrafe de par din hartie, cu motive florale. Chiar daca acest atelier a fost organizat toamna, motivele florale au fost apreciate de catre participanti, care s-au aratat entuziasmati.
                   Atelierul a fost condus de catre dna Diana Suta, cu care avem marea placere sa colaboram adesea, si care are o experienta considerabila in lucrul cu diferite materiale, in special hartia, pentru a confectiona diferite lucruri interesante, asa cum au fost si aceste agrafe din hartie.

                   La origine, kanzashi erau confectionate din resturi de material de kimono, un material foarte frumos si valoros. Pentru a nu fi aruncat, acest material era folosit pentru a confectiona diverse lucruri si accesorii, japonezii punand mare pret pe a nu risipi orice lucru, oricat ar fi el de mic. Astfel au luat nastere, intre alte confectii, si aceste agrafe de par.
                   Deoarece lucrul cu materialul textil la aceasta dimensiune poate fi dificil, dna Diana a adaptat confectionarea acestor agrafe la lucrul cu hartia, mai exact hartia creponata. Astfel, acest mestesug a devenit accesibil pentru toata lumea, participantii nostri la acest atelier avand varste incepand de la 6 ani, pana la peste 30 de ani.
Desi participantii incercau aceasta tehnica pentru prima data, rezultatele au fost spectaculoase, agrafele realizate fiind una mai deosebita decat cealalta. Participantii au fost multumiti de ceea ce au reusit sa realizeze si bucurosi ca au putut sa invete sa confectioneze ceva asa de frumos si de facil.
Suntem curiosi sa vedem si alte realizari si inovatii ale participantilor, combinatii de culori, modele, pana unde poate sa duca imaginatia pe o persoana creativa, dornica sa realizeze ceva frumos cu propriile maini.
                   Suntem recunoscatori nespus de mult dnei Diana pentru inca un atelier reusit. De asemenea multumim participantilor, fara de care intalnirile noastre nu ar avea nici o valoare si va asteptam la urmatoarele noastre intalniri de cultura.

******English Version Bellow:*****

On the 10th of November, Japan’s Friends Club organized a kanzashi workshop, where we made flower themed hairpins. Even though the workshop took place in the Autumn, the theme has been well appreciated by the participants, who appeared to be very enthusiastic.
The workshop was coordinated by Ms. Diana Suta, with whom we have the pleasure to collaborate very often, and who has extensive experience in the work with different kinds of materials, especially paper, to create all sorts of interesting objects, like the paper hairpins that we created today.
At the origin, kanzashi were made of residual textile material from kimono manufacturing, a very beautiful and valuable material. In order to make use of as much material as possible, the remaining material was used to make all sorts of crafts and accessories, the Japanese being very careful, trying to waste as little of everything as possible. This way, among other things, this kind of hairpins took birth.
Since working with textile at this scale can be difficult, Ms. Diana adapted the kanzashi technique to working with paper, more precisely with crepe paper. This way, manufacturing the hairpins became facile for everyone, our participants’ ages starting from 6 years old, to over 30 years old.
                   Even though the participants were trying the technique for the first time, the results were amazing, with the hairpins being one more beautiful than another. The participants were happy with their realizations and happy that they could learn how to make something so beautiful and easy to make.
                   We are curious to see other realizations and inovations of the participants, color combinations, models, and where can imagination take a creative person, willing to create something beautiful with their own hands.         
                   We are grateful to Ms. Diana for another succesful workshop. Also we appreciate the presence of every participant to the workshop, as without you our meetings would have no vlue. You are all very welcome to our following cultural meetings.

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