Pasionatilor de cultura japoneza care inca se aflau la Cluj in data de 17 august 2011 le-am oferit din nou ocazia sa se refugieze pentru cateva ore intr-o alta lume, o lume construita de noi (organizatori si participanti), astfel incat sa putem scapa inca o data de caldura verii de afara, care inca se mai tinea zdravana, si de ganduri persistente de care de multa vreme doream sa scapam macar pentru putin timp. Evenimentul „Tea party in kimono” pe care l-am organizat in ceainaria cu specific japonez „Sakura”, in a doua editie, ne-a oferit din nou aceasta oaza de scapare de stresul cotidian, scapare de care avem cu totii atat de multa nevoie pentru a putea merge mai departe.
Evenimentul a constat in participarea la discutii tematice japoneze, intr-o atmosfera cat mai japoneza cu putinta, participantii fiind imbracati in yukata, pe un fundal muzical japonez, la un ceai japonez sau un kakigori.
Evenimentul a avut loc pe platforma cu tatami, in jurul masutelor, iar restul platformelor au fost rearanjate, astfel incat si participantii care nu au dorit sa urce pe platforma sa poata participa la discutii. Imbracamintea de preferinta fiind cea traditional japoneza, participantii la acest eveniment putand sa isi aduca propriile kimonouri, iar celor care doreau sa participe imbracati in kimono si nu au avut kimonourile lor personale li s-au pus la dispozitie unele din partea Cercului „Prietenii Japoniei”.
Evenimentul a avut loc pe platforma cu tatami, in jurul masutelor, iar restul platformelor au fost rearanjate, astfel incat si participantii care nu au dorit sa urce pe platforma sa poata participa la discutii. Imbracamintea de preferinta fiind cea traditional japoneza, participantii la acest eveniment putand sa isi aduca propriile kimonouri, iar celor care doreau sa participe imbracati in kimono si nu au avut kimonourile lor personale li s-au pus la dispozitie unele din partea Cercului „Prietenii Japoniei”.
Dra Minodora Buta a ajutat participantii doritori sa imbrace yukata sa se imbrace, in timp ce dl Radu Nedisan impreuna cu dra Teodora Romano au ajutat participantii sa isi aleaga cate un nume japonez imaginar, pentru a il folosi in timpul scurtei escapade din realitate. Au urmat discutii legate de Japonia si de cultura japoneza, despre ceaiul Japonez si modul in care acesta ne-ar putea influenta pozitiv sanatatea si modul de viata si despre alte subiecte, admirand frumoasele kimonouri.
In final a urmat sedinta foto, incantandu-ne unii pe altii, dar si pe trecatori, care au putut admira kimonourile in fata ceainariei Sakura. Dupa sedinta foto dinauntrul si din afara ceainariei, participantii si-au reluat cursul normal al vietii, dezbracand kimonourile si impartasind ganduri despre experienta avuta.
*****************English version below:***************
On 17 August 2011 we offered again, to the people who are passionate about Japanese culture and who were still in Cluj, the possibility to escape for a few hours in a different world, a world built by us (organizers and participants), so as we could break free again from the heat of the summer, which was still strong, and from the persistent thoughts that we had long wanted to escape from, at least for a while. The event, “Kimono Tea Party” which we organized in the Japanese teahouse “Sakura”, the second edition, offered us this escape oasis from the quotidian, escape which we all need so much in order to be able to keep going on.
The event consisted in the participation to Japanese thematic discussions, in an environment as close to the Japanese as possible, the participants being dressed in yukata, on a Japanese musical background, while having a Japanese tea or a kakigori. The event took place on the tatami platform, around the small tables, and the rest of the tatami platforms had been rearranged so as the participants who did not wish to stay on the platforms could participate to the discussions. The preferred dress code was traditional Japanese clothing, the participants having the choice to wear their own kimonos, or, if they didn’t have a kimono and wanted to wear one, ”Japan Friends” Club provided several kimonos for them.
Ms. Minodora Buta helped the participants to dress the yukatas, while Mr. Radu Nedisan and Teodeora Romano helped the participants to choose an imaginary Japanese name which they could use during the short escape from reality. Japan related discussions followed, including discussions about Japanese tea and the way in which it could positively influence our health and our way of life, and about other subjects, while admiring each other’s beautiful kimonos.
In the end we had a photo session, enjoying each other’s kimonos and giving passers by a moment of happiness with our presence in front of the Sakura teahouse. After the photo session inside and outside the teahouse, the participants returned to their normal lives, undressing the kimonos and sharing thoughts about the experience.
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