Multa lume a inceput sa uite cu trecerea timpului despre dezastrul care a avut loc in data de 11 marrtie in Japonia, anume cutremurul si tsunami-ul care au lovit coasta de est a Japoniei, clatinand o natiune intreaga din temelii. Altii nu au uitat, însă cred ca situatia de acolo e mult mai buna, din auzite, sau cred ca puterea Japoniei este inimaginabila si ca tara nu mai este in nici un pericol, din moment ce buletinele de stiri nu mai fac referire la aceata parte a lumii. Cu toate acestea, asa cum dl Katsutaro Kawai, impreuna cu invitata speciala din Japonia, dna Simona Nishida au descris situatia, Japonia este departe de a fi trecut peste dezastrul care a lovit-o, un dezastru care se intampla o data la o mie de ani.
Cercul „Prietenii Japoniei” nu a uitat insa de Japonia. Ceea ce defineste un prieten este faptul ca acesta este cu tine si la bine, si la greu, iar acum ca prietena noastra, Japonia, s-a impiedicat, noi suntem alaturi de ea si incercam sa o ajutam sa se ridice din nou, sa mearga pe propriile picioare, atata cat ne sta in putinta. In acest sens, in data de 13 august 2011, la aproape jumatate de an dupa nefericitul eveniment, cercul „Prietenii Japoniei” a organizat o intalnire prin intermediul careia sa transmita persoanelor care inca au ramas atinse de necazul Japoniei, ultimele noutati, starea actuala din Japonia si starea in care zona afectata se afla in perioada mai-iunie, cand dl Kawai s-a deplasat in Japonia in zona afectata pentru a analiza situatia in persoana si pentru a vedea care sunt nevoile persoanelor afectate.
Intalnirea a inceput cu marturia dnei Simona despre experienta personala avuta in ziua dezastrului. Dna Simona se afla in apropierea centralei nucleare de la Fukushima la acea ora, acolo aflandu-se locuinta dansei.
Discursul dansei a fost unul cutremurator pentru oricine, iubitor al Japoniei sau nu. Dna Simona, in varsta de 29 de ani, mama a doi copii adorabili de aproximativ 1 si 2 ani,
se afla acasa in momentul in care cutremurul a inceput, dar spre deosebire de alte cutremure obisnuite din Japonia acesta nu se mai oprea si era unul deosebit de violent. Dna Nishida, credincioasa, marturiseste cum Dumnezeu a avut grija ca fiecare lucru sa fie la locul lui in momentul dezastrului, de la marimea incaltamintei mai mare care a facilitat incaltarea rapida a acesteia, pana la patura cazuta de pe raft care s-a dovedit a fi atat de folositoare in zilele urmatoare, si la sotul sau care a scapat de tsunami ca prin minune. Familia Nishida a presimtit ca ceva groaznic se va intampla ca urmare a cutremurului si tsunamiului, fapt pentru care au decis sa plece de acasa in cateva momente dupa dezastru, ceea ce i-a ferit de radiatiile provenite de la centrala nucleara avariata doua zile mai tarziu. Dna Simona Nishida considera ca Dumnezeu si numai Dumnezeu i-a scapat de dezastru si va ramane pe veci recunoscatoare.
In completarea marturisirilor dnei Nishida, dl Katsutaro Kawai a ajutat la formarea unei imagini de ansamblu a situatiei din Japonia.

Se pare ca organizatia internationala Crucea Rosie, catre care au fost trimise majoritatea fondurilor din intreaga lume destinate ajutorului persoanelor afectate de cutremur si tsunami, are unele deficiente in folosirea fondurilor cu folos. O mare parte din fondurile adunate au ramas in conturile Crucii Rosii, care cel mai probabil vor fi folosite la urmatorul dezastru asemanator. Mai mult, datorita birocratiei, lucrurile cumparate nu au putut fi distribuite sau au ajuns la persoanele afectate cu intarzieri mari, cand nu mai era nevoie de acestea, iar unele din produsele nedistribuite au fost impartite intre membrii Crucii Rosii. Datorita acestor deficiente, dl Katsutaro Kawai incurajeaza adunarea de fonduri in mod individual, cum ar fi fondurile adunate de Cercul „Prietenii Japoniei”, fonduri care au fost folosite pana acum in cunostinta de cauza, avand in vedere nevoile directe ale refugiatilor, sub forma de alimente, apa potabila si evantaie necesare in Japonia in timpul verii, atat cat fondurile adunate au putut acoperi. Prezentand situatia actuala a oamenilor, prin fotografii si un filmulet, facute personal in zona afectata,
oameni care inca nu au locuinte stabile, surse de hrana stabile,
locul inca trebuind curatat si pregatit pentru reconstructia sutelor de orase devastate ce va incepe in luna octombrie,
dar si nevoile spirituale ale acestora, mai ales in aceasta perioada grea, cand pentru multi aproape ca a disparut si ultima speranta, si poate ca multora inca nu le vine sa creada intorsatura pe care viata lor a luat-o, intr-un mod brutal, pierzandu-si toata averea, multe persoane dragi si ramanand poate singuri, dl Katsutaro si-a exprimat dorinta de a face ceva pentru incurajarea acestor oameni, ceva care sa ii ajute atat in mod pragmatic cat si spiritual, sa treaca peste greutati, sa gaseasca mangaiere si speranta in o zi mai buna.
Dorinta arzatoare a dlui Kawai este de a construi una sau mai multe biserici in regiunile afectate, acestea fiind locasuri care ar putea oferi o mare parte din ceea ce oamenii au nevoie, atat in aceste zile grele cat si in viitor, cand Japonia va renaste si urmele dezastrului vor ramane doar in fotografii si in amintirile oamenilor. Finalul intalnirii a fost o chemare catre cei prezenti sa sustina in continuare lucrarea de ajutorare a celor care au inca atat de multa nevoie de ajutor si speranta. Va invitam pe toti sa va implicati in continuare in acest proiect si speram ca vom putea sa le oferim japonezilor ceva de care sa se bucure si sa le fie cu adevarat de folos.
************** English version bellow:***************
Testimony and news from the affected area by earthquake and tsunami in Japan
Many people started to forget, in time, about the disaster that took place on 11th March 2011 in Japan, namely the earthquake and great tsunami that hit the east coast of Japan, shaking an entire nation. Others did not forget, but they think that the situation there is much better, from what they heard, or they believe that Japan’s power of resurrection is unimaginable, and that the country is already out of danger, judging by the news that do not make reference to that side of the world any more. Anyway, as Mr. Katsutaro Kawai, together with a special guest from Japan, Ms. Simona Nishida, described the situation, Japan is not any close to getting over the disaster that hit it, a disaster that only happens once in a thousand years.
“Japan Friends” Club didn’t, however, forget about Japan. What defines a friend is the fact that a friend is with you in both happiness and suffering, and now that our friend Japan stumbled, we are by its side and we are trying to help it get up and walk on its own feet again, as much as we can. In this respect, on 13th August 2011, at almost half a year from the unfortunate event, “Japan Friends” Club organized a meeting having the purpose to let the people who still have affection for Japan know the latest news, the actual state of the affected areas in Japan and what the situation looked like in May-June, when Mr. Kawai went to Japan to personally analyze the situation and see what are the actual needs of the refugees.
The meeting started with Ms. Simona’s testimony about her personal experience in the day of the disaster. Ms. Simona was near the Fukushima nuclear plant at the time of the disaster, where she lived. Her discourse was shattering for everyone, passionate about Japan or not. Ms. Simona, 29, mother of two lovely children approximately 1 and 2 years old, was in her house in the moment when the earthquake began, but unlike other earthquakes, common in Japan, this one did not want to stop and it was a very violent one. Ms. Nishida, Christian believer, confessed how God took care for every little thing to be in place at the moment of the disaster, from her shoes’ size being too big, which helped her take her shoes quickly, to the blanket which fell from the shelf in front of her, which proved to come so handy in the following days, and her husband who had a hair breadth’s escape from the tsunami. The Nishida family felt that something terrible was going to happen as a result of the tsunami and earthquake, which made them decide to leave home immediately after the disaster and as a result they didn’t get exposed to the radiations which followed two days afterwards, when the Fukushima nuclear accidents happened. Ms. Simona Nishida considers that God and only God saved them from disaster and she will remain thankful forever.
In addition to Ms. Nishida’s discourse, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai helped create a general image of the situation in Japan. It seems that the international organization Red Cross, where most of the relief funds dedicated to the people affected by the Japan earthquake and tsunami in the world have been sent has deficiencies in the proper use of the gathered funds. A great part of the money gathered so far are still in the accounts of the organization, which will be kept and probably used for the next similar disaster. Moreover, because of bureaucracy , some of the things bought from the used part of money were distributed to the people in need with delay, when there wasn’t a need for them anymore, and so some of the products turned out being distributed among Red Cross members. Because of these deficiencies, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai encourages the gathering of funds individually, like the funds gathered by “Japan Friends”Club, funds that were used so far appropriately, taking into consideration the direct needs of the refugees, in the form of food, water and foldable fans, necessary during the Japanese summer, as much as the gathered funds could cover.
Presenting the actual situation of the people, by showing some photos and a short movie, taken personally in the affected area, people who have yet to get a stable home, regular food supplies, the place still waiting to be cleaned up and prepared for the reconstruction of the hundreds of devastated cities which will begin in october, and also their spiritual needs, especially in these times of need, when for many there is almost no last hope, and maybe many still can’t believe the turn that their lives took, in a brutal way, losing all of their goods, many dear friends and relatives and who are now maybe alone, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai expressed his will to do something to encourage these people, something that could help them in a pragmatic and a spiritual way as well, to get past hardships and find a warm heart and a hope for a better day. Mr. Kawai’s wish is to build one or more churches in the affected regions, churches being able to grand a great deal of what people need, in these hard days as well as in the future, when Japan will be reborn and the traces of the disaster will only remain in pictures and in peoples memories.
The end of the meeting was a call for the participants to continue their support for the sake of so many people who are still in need of help and hope. We invite you all to get involved in this project and we hope that we will be able to offer the Japanese something to be happy for and something which will really be of great help.