marți, 10 iulie 2012

Picnic de neuitat - 7 iulie

In data de 7 iulie a avut loc ultima intalnire a Cercului “Prietenii Japoniei” din vara anului 2012. Intalnirea a fost numita de catre noi “picnic”, insa acesta a avut loc pe terasa din spatele Ceainariei “Sakura” si in Parcul Central, aflat in apropiere.
Intalnirea a avut trei parti. In prima parte am facut cunostinta unii cu ceilalti, chiar daca in mare parte participantii deja se cunosteau, dupa care am participat la un concurs de tip treasure hunt, in Parcul Central. Participantii au fost impartiti in trei echipe de catre 4 membri, echipe carora li s-a dat o harta taiata in 5 parti, cu ajutorul careia au cautat pliculete cu puncte castigatoare ascunse in diverse locuri din parc. Participantii au fost foarte entuziasmati, iar vremea a fost perfecta pentru un astfel de concurs.

Cele trei echipe si-au dat toate silintele, organizandu-se exemplar. Fiecare echipa a aplicat propria strategie de cautare. Una din echipe a decis sa isi puna la punct planul de cautare inca de la ceainarie, in timp ce alta echipa a ales sa se desparta pentru a fi mai eficienta. Cea de-a treia echipa a ales sa ramana unita si sa caute indiciile in ordine sperand ca astfel vor castiga.
In final echipa castigatoare a fost echipa care a ales sa se desparta, condusa de liderul Iuliana S., cu un numar de 75 de puncte, 
urmata de echipa care a ales unitatea, condusa de catre Evelyn T. cu un numar de 50 de puncte. Cea de a treia echipa insa nu a reusit sa acumuleze nici un punct.
Cea de a doua parte a intalnirii a avut loc la intoarcerea din parc. Dl Katsutaro Kawai si dra Minodora Buta au pregatit pe terasa o multime de bunatati, intre care yakitori, okonomi-booru, onigiri, impreuna cu salata si carnaciori prajiti. 

Participantii au putut in acest timp sa povesteasca, sa depene amintiri, sa guste mancarea pregatita pe terasa, sa se joace cu kendama, o jucarie japoneza, sau sa ajute la prepararea mancarii.

La finalul ospatului a sosit si momentul de premiere a participantilor la concursul de treasure hunt. Toate cele trei echipe au fost premiate cu lucruri si dulciuri japoneze, ramanand astfel cu o amintire placuta a acelei zile.

(Echipa 3 - Felicitari)
(Echipa 2 - Felicitari)
(Echipa 1- Felicitari)
Dupa premierea participantilor, a urmat un nou joc, specific japonez, numit suikawari, sau spartul pepenelui verde. Jocul presupune ca un participant legat la ochi sa incerce sa sparga un pepene verde cu o bata, dirijat de restul participantilor care asista. Avand doar un singur pepene si mai multi doritori, participantul care avea sa fie lega la ochi a fost desemnat printr-un joc de 

Astfel, dl Lucian, aflat pentru prima data la o intalnire a Cercului „Prietenii Japoniei” a fost indrumat cu succes spre a lovi pepenele, dupa care acesta a putut fi consumat de catre participanti.

Finalul intalnirii s-a prelungit cu discutii despre diferite aspecte ale societatii japoneze, cum ar fi modul in care vorbesc japonezii in diferite conexte, in special in cazul fetelor. Dupa acest moment de final, participantii s-au intors acasa cu noi amintiri placute, urmand sa ne intalnim din nou in toamna aceluiasi an.

 *****English Version Bellow:******

On 7th of July took place the last meeting of “Japan’s Friends Club” in the summer of 2012. We named the meeting “picnic”, however it took place on the terrace in the back of “Sakura” Teahouse and in the Central Park nearby.
The meeting had three parts. In the first part the participants introduced themselves, even though most of them knew each other. After the introductory moment, we engaged in a treasure hunt contest, in the park. The participants have been divided into three teams of four members each. Each team received a map, divided into five pieces, which they had to use in order to find envelopes hidden in various places in the park, containing a number of points. The participants were very enthusiastic as the weather was perfect for such a contest.
The three teams gave of themselves in an exemplary way. Each team organized their own strategy and search pattern. One of the teams decided to establish their strategy right before leaving the teahouse, while another decided to split up in order to be more efficient. The third team fixed on remaining united and looking for the clues in their order, hoping to win that way.
The winner turned out to be the team who decided to split up, led by Ms. Iuliana S., with a total of 75 points, followed by the united team, led by Ms. Evelyn T., with 50 accumulated points. The third team, however, didn’t manage to gather any points at all.
              In the second part of the meeting, after returning from the park, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai and Ms. Minodora Buta prepared on the terrace a lot of food, among which there was yakitori, okonomi-booru, onigiri, together with salad and fried sausages. The participants could socialize, discuss on various topics, taste the delicious food prepared on the terrace, play with kendama, a Japanese toy, or help with the preparation of the food.
At the end of the feast it was the time to hand the rewards to the teams. All of the participants to the treasure hunt received a reward, consisting of Japanese sweets and objects, that way having something to remind them of the day.
After dividing the plunder, another game followed, called suikawari. The game consists in a blindfold participant trying to break a watermelon with a stick, coordinated by the participants standing by. Having but a single watermelon, and more people wanting to give a swing to the stick, we decided the participant who was going to be blindfold with a jan-ken-pon game. Thus, Mr. Lucian, for the first time at Japan’s Friends Club meetings, was guided through successfully hitting and breaking the watermelon, which could be thus consumed by the participants.
The end of the meeting got delayed with interesting discussions about different aspects of the Japanese society, like the way in which Japanese people speak in different contexts, especially in the case of women. After this final moment, the participants returned home with new pleasant memories, until we would meet again in the autumn of the same year.

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