miercuri, 18 aprilie 2012

Pregatiri de festival - Sambata, 21 aprilie 2012

In data de 21 aprilie, Cercul Prietenii Japoniei s-a intalnit pentru a prezenta festivalul Japan Play Transylvania si pentru a discuta ce loc va ocupa Cercul Prietenii Japoniei in cadrul acestuia, si cum ar putea, cei care doresc, sa ne ajute sa facem din acest festival o adevarata reusita, in mod voluntar.
Am avut prezenti la aceasta intalnire pe organizatorii principali ai acestui festival, dl Mircea Muresan si dra Raluca Tripa. 
La inceputul intalnirii acestia au prezentat diferitele aspecte ale festivalului, cu precadere legat de partea culturii moderne japoneze si evenimentele legate de aceasta, ce aveau sa aiba loc la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor, urmand ca apoi, Cercul Prietenii Japoniei sa prezinte partea culturala traditionala a festivalului, ce avea sa aiba loc la Turnul Croitorilor si la Ceainaria cu specific japonez „Sakura”.
Dupa prezentarea activitatilor, s-au recrutat voluntari, atat pentru pregatirile necesare festivalului, cat si pentru desfasurarea evenimentelor in sine, in final reusind sa recrutam voluntari suficienti pentru toate activitatile si evenimentele. Suntem recunoscatori si vrem sa multumim mult pentru ajutorul si implicarea fiecarui voluntar, dar si pentru sustinerea morala a celor care nu au reusit sa ne sustina altfel.

******English Version bellow:******

On april 21st, Japan’s Friends Club organized a meeting to present the Japan Play Transylvania festival and discuss about the place Japan’s Friends Club  will have in the festival and also see in what ways could the people who would like to do so voluntarily, help us make the most out of the festival.
Among the people present at the meeting, we had been honoured with the presence of Japan Play Transylvania’s main organizers, Mr. Mircea Muresan and Ms. Raluca Tripa. At the beginning of the meeting, the two of them presented different aspects of the festival, mostly regarding the events which were to take place at Casa de Cultura a Studentilor, events mostly connected with Japanese pop and modern culture, whereas Japan’s Friends Club presented the activities and events linked to Japanese traditional culture, which were to take place at Turnul Croitorilor and “Sakura” Japanese Teahouse.
After the activities had been presented, volunteers were recruited, for both the preparation activities necessary before the festival, and also for the events themselves, in the end being able to recruit volunteers for all our events and activities. We are grateful and we want to thank you very much for all your help and effort, and also for the moral support of those who could not manage to help in other ways.

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