joi, 15 decembrie 2011

Bonenkai - 17 decembrie 2011, orele 17:00~

Ultima intalnire din anul 2011 a Cercului „Prietenii Japoniei” a avut loc in data de 17 decembrie, si s-a numit bounenkai, cuvantul japonez pentru petrecere de sfarsit de an. Aceasta intalnire nu a fost una de cultura ci a fost, cum spune si numele, o petrecere menita sa puna punct tuturor intalnirilor de culura din anul 2011.
 La inceputul intalnirii participantii au facut cunostinta, prezentandu-se si spunand cum au aflat de Cercul „Prietenii Japoniei” si despre cultura japoneza. 
Dupa prezentarea fiecaruia, intalnirea a continuat prin prezentarea catorva imagini de la intalnirile ce au avut loc in anul 2011. Multi din participantii prezenti au participat si la intalnirile prezentate in imagini, astfel ca multi ne-am amintit de intamplari haioase, frumoase dar si de momentele triste din luna martie petrecute impreuna. Am vizionat si cateva video-uri hazlii de la intalnirile din toamna anului 2011, unde i-am avut ca invitati speciali pe familia Hamamoto din Japonia.
              Dupa proiectia de imagini a urmat o scurta pauza, timp in care s-a reorganizat sala pentru concursul cu premii ce avea sa urmeze. Dupa ce sala a fost amenajata, s-au prezentat 6 voluntari pentru concurs, care a fost un quiz show, concurs cu intrebari de cultura generala despre Japonia, la care concurentii trebuia sa raspunda cu adevarat sau fals.
 Intrebarile si raspunsurile au fost insotite de imagini pentru spectatori iar concurentii au trebuit sa fie foarte atenti la variantele de raspuns pentru ca raspunsurile bune puteau fi neasteptate.
              In final, pe baza punctelor acumulate in concurs au fost alesi 3 castigatori. Dat fiind faptul ca unii contestanti au fost la egalitate de puncte, barajul s-a decis printr-un joc de jan-ken-pon, dupa care locurile 1, 2 si 3 au primit premiile bine meritate.
              Dupa concurs, dat fiind faptul ca ne aflam in apropierea Craciunului, Cercul „Prietenii Japoniei” a decis sa faca un mic cadou fiecarui participant de la intalnire, un plic in care se afla ceai japonez sencha sau genmaicha
Participantii au primit darul cu bucurie dupa care publicul a devenit liber sa manance din bunatatile pregatite de dna Kayoko Kawai, sotia dlui Katsutaro Kawai. Intre timp o parte din participanti s-au incins la karaoke. 

Am facut poze, am cantat, am mancat iar la final am cantat impreuna bine cnoscuta colinda Silent Night, in limba japoneza si engleza.
              La final am facut curatenie in sala, in stil japonez, si am plecat acasa plini de bucurie si noi amintiri.
******* English Version bellow: ********

The last meeting of Japan’s Friends Club in 2011 took place on 17th December and it was called bounenkai, the Japanese word for year-end party. This last meeting was not a cultural meeting, but it was, as the name suggests, a party to put an end to all meetings in 2011.
At the beginning of the meeting, the participants introduced themselves, mentioning when they learned about the club and how they came to like Japanese culture. After the introduction, the meeting began with the presentation of some pictures from the previous meetings of the year 2011. Some of the participants had also been present at the meetings that were presented and in the pictures, therefore many of us remembered funny and beautiful memories, but also sad moments like the march 11 event. We also watched a few funny videos captured at the meetings in autumn, 2011, where we had as special guests the Hamamoto family from Japan.
After the image projection there was a short break, meanwhile the meeting room was reorganized for the contest that was to follow. After the room was prepared, 6 volunteers offered to participate in the contest, which was a quiz show with questions regarding Japan, where the contestants had to answer with true or false to the questions. The questions and answers were followed by pictures for the public and the contestants had to be extremely careful because the appropriate answers could have been unexpected.
In the end, based on the accumulated points 3 winners were elected. Since some of the contestants had the same number of points, the tie was settled by a game of jan-ken-pon. Afterwards, the best 3 contestants received their prizes.
              After the contest, given the fact that we were close to Christmas, Japan’s Friends Club decided to give a little gift to every participant, an envelope with Japanese green tea sencha or genmaicha. The participants happily received their present and then they were free to eat the delicious Japanese food prepared by Ms. Kayoko Kawai, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai’s wife. Meanwhile, part of the participants did karaoke. We took pictures, sang, ate and in the end we all sang together the well-known carol Silent Night in Japanese and English.
              In the end we cleaned the room, as Japanese people do, and everyone went home full of joy and new memories.

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