joi, 10 noiembrie 2011

Raportul calatoriei in Japonia - Septembrie 2011

              Vara aceasta a fost pentru noi una deosebita, fapt care se datoreaza in parte unei mari tragedii care a avut loc in Japonia, si anume cutremurul si tsunami-ul care au avut loc in data de 11 martie 2011 in zona coastei de nord-est a Japoniei, mai cu seama in prefecturile Iwate si Miyagi. Acest eveniment dramatic ne-a adus cu inimile mai aproape de Japonia, in dorinta noastra de a face ceva pentru aceasta tara care poate ca nu merita o astfel de lovitura. Cercul “Prietenii Japoniei” a inceput o campanie de ajutorare a Japoniei la doua zile dupa producerea tragicului eveniment, campanie care mai continua si azi. In acest scop, in aceasta vara o parte dintre noi au calatorit in Japonia pentru a vedea care este exact situatia acolo si pentru a ajuta la recuperare in masura puterilor noastre. Prin urmare, intre 6 si 25 septembrie, dl Katsutaro Kawai impreuna cu Minodora Buta, Manuela Buta si Sanziana Blaga au calatorit in Japonia si au vizitat cateva orase afectate de tsunami, intre care Kamaishi, Otsuchicho, Yamadacho, Ofunato si Rikuzetakada.
La intoarcere, din dorinta de a va transmite si dumneavoastra informatiile pe care am reusit sa le aflam, am organizat in data de 29 octombrie o intalnire in cadrul Cercului “Prietenii Japoniei” in care sa va aducem la cunostinta raportul calatoriei in Japonia ca si reprezentanti ai celor carora le pasa de Japonia, voluntari din Romania.
In deschiderea intalnirii fiecare participant a putut sa se prezinte, dupa care drele Minodora Buta si Sanziana Blaga au inceput prezentarea prin proiectarea mai multor poze facute in timpul calatoriei. 

Calatoria a fost prezentata, cu partile ei frumoase, incantatoare dar si cu cele infricosatoare si triste. Am vazut imagini cu culturi de orez sub forma de campii verzi, am vazut orase incantatoare din Japonia, am vazut muntii japonezi, oceanul, plaja, 

dar am vazut si locuri pustii, locuri unde candva era plin de viata, viata a carei energie se mai poate inca simti, la 6 luni dupa sistarea brusca si fara preaviz a acesteia.





Dupa prezentarea imaginilor la rece, cele doua domnisoare si-au transmis mai apoi si gandurile personale si opiniile facute in timpul calatoriei. Nu este mare lucru ca o astfel de calatorie sa te faca sa iti regandesti prioritatile in viata asa cum spunea dra Sanziana,
 iar prezenta intr-un astfel de loc poate sa iti induca spaima, chiar daca pericolul e de mult trecut, asa cum a simtit dra Minodora.
 Cu toate acestea, este greu ca aceste sentimente sa la simtim daca nu am luat parte la aceasta calatorie, insa drele au incercat sa ne transmita mesajul lor cat mai bine cu putinta, acela de a ne pretui viata pe care noi o avem si de a ne gandi cat mai mult la cei din jur pe care poate ca odata nu ii vom mai avea langa noi si sa nu lasam sa vina ziua in care o sa ne dam seama ca ceva ne lipseste pentru ca deja am pierdut acel ceva. De asemenea trebuie sa invatam sa nu ne atasam foarte mult de lucruri pentru ca putem sa le pierdem fara sa le putem recupera, si sa dam valoare mai mare oamenilor pentru ca un prieten poate fi prietenul nostru pentru toata viata.
La finalul prezentarii celor doua domnisoare, dl Katsutaro Kawai a luat cuvantul, aducand completari prezentarii si indemnand din nou pe participanti sa nu uite ca Japonia inca mai are nevoie de ajutor, chiar daca este recunoscuta ca si o tara foarte dezvoltata. Oricat de mult am incerca, tehnologia nu poate tine locul oamenilor si chiar daca din punct de vedere material Japonia isi poate reveni, ea va ramane adanc ranita chiar si dupa vindecarea ranii superficiale. Insa Japonia este inca departe de a isi fi revenit chiar si din punct de vedere material. Iarna bate la usa si mare parte din oamenii ramasi fara averea de o viata inca nu au primit o locuinta stabila.
Dupa prezentarea observatiilor facute in timpul calatoriei din Japonia, dra Emilia Camarasan a continuat cu un raport mai putin trist. Este vorba despre raportul calatoriei la Bucuresti, mai exact la Nijikon, festivalul anual dedicat subculturii japoneze, mai exact domeniilor manga si anime. 
Am vazut cateva filmulete pentru a ne putea face o idee despre festival, unele din cele mai importante atractii fiind concursul de cosplay si standurile cu suveniruri, postere, figurine si alte obiecte care au legatura cu fenomenul manga-anime.
In finalul intalnirii dl Katsutaro Kawai a invitat-o pe dna Kagami sa spuna cateva cuvinte despre experienta dansei cu tsunami-ul si cutremurul ca si japoneza. 
Chiar departe fiind de zona afectata de aceste calamitati, dna Kagami marturiseste ca a fost profund afectata de acestea. Aceste calamitati au determinat-o sa isi schimbe viata, a ales sa vina in Romania unde acum preda limba Japoneza la universitate. Dna Kagami a fost de asemenea recunoscatoare romanilor care, desi sunt atat de intepartati de Japonia doresc sa ajute si chiar au mers acolo unde nici macar dansa ca si cetatean japonez nu a ajuns.
Dupa ce dna Kagami a multumit, am facut cateva anunturi legate de saptamana care venea, dupa care ne-am despartit, nu inainte insa sa petrecem putin timp impreuna discutand si savurand cateva snack-uri, ceai si suc.

*******English version bellow:*******

              For us, this summer was special, partly due to a great tragedy that happened in Japan, namely the great earthquake and tsunami that took place in 11th March 2011 on the east coast of Japan, in the Iwate and Miyagi prefectures. This dramatic event drew our hearts closer to Japan, making us wish to do something for this country which maybe did not deserve such a hit. Japan Friends Club started a rescue campaign two days after the tragic event and that campaign continues even today. For the purpose of this campaign some of us went this summer to Japan in order to see exactly what the situation looks like there and help with the recovery in the limits of our power. Therefore, from 6 to 25 September, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai together with Ms. Minodora Buta, Manuela Buta and Sanziana Blaga went to Japan and visited some of the tsunami affected cities, like Kamaishi, Otsuchicho, Yamadacho, Ofunato and Rikuzentakada.
              After their return, from our wish to deliver the information that we collected to you as well, the Japan Friends Club organized a meeting on 29th October where we gave our trip report in position of representatives of the Romanian people who care for Japan and want to volunteer.
              At the outset of the meeting every participant was given the chance to introduce themselves. Afterwards, Ms. Minodora Buta and Sanziana Blaga started their report, with a series of pictures took by them during their trip to Japan. The trip was presented with its beautiful, fascinating but also scary and sad sides. We saw images of rice fields in the shape of beautiful green fields, we saw beautiful cities, Japanese mountains, the ocean, the beach but also empty places, where it was once full of life, the energy of which could still be felt 6 months after it had been cut without warning.
              After the slideshow, the girls also transmitted their personal feelings and opinion to the public. It is not out of place for such a trip to make you rethink your priorities in life, like Ms. Sanziana said, and the presence in such a place can induce fear even when the danger has long gone, as Ms. Minodora felt. However, it is hard to have these feelings if we haven’t gone there ourselves, so the girls tried to convey their message as good as they could, which is to treasure our lives and think as much as we can of the people around us and not wait for the day to come when we realize that something is missing for we will have already lost it. Also we should not get too attached to things because we can easily lose everything without being able to do anything about it, and treasure people more for a friend can be our friend for rest of our life.
              At the end of the presentation, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai took the word adding the final remarks and reminding the people that Japan still needs help, despite its recognition as a very developed country. No matter how much we try, technology can not take the place of human beings and even if Japan can recover materially, it will remain deeply wounded by this event even after the healing of its superficial wound. However, Japan is still far from material recovery. Winter is coming and most of the people who lost their lifetime investments still don’t have a stable residence.
After the presentation of the observations made during the trip to Japan, Ms. Emilia Camarasan continued with less sad report. We are talking about the report of her trip to Bucharest, more exactly to Nijikon, the annual Japanese subculture convention in Bucharest. We watched a few movies so we could make a better idea about the festival, some of the most interesting attractions being the cosplay contest, and the souvenir stands selling posters, figures, book, mangas and other anime and manga related items.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Katsutaro Kawai invited Ms. Kagami to say a few words about her experience with the tsunami and earthquake as Japanese. Even though she was war from the affected area, Ms. Kagami confessed that she had been deeply affected by the event. These calamities determined her to change her life and she chose to come to Romania where she now teaches Japanese at university. Ms. Kagami is also giving thanks to the Romanians who, even though they are so far from Japan, want to help and even went there where she didn’t go as a Japanese citizen.
After Ms. Kagami gave her thanks to the participants, we made a few announcements and we went home, though not before spending a few minutes together talking and enjoying some snacks, tea and soda. 

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